Are you an owner and want to rent or sell your property?
Finques Port Calella is a reference agency in vacation rentals and real estate sales in Calella de Palafrugell and Llafranc. With more than 30 years of experience in the sector, since 1986 and with the title of “Api Asociados” (Oficial Property Agent), our service will offer you the best benefits to obtain a real return on your home.
We manage your vacation home so that you can obtain a higher return without having to worry about anything. Also take advantage of the opportunity of the moment and take advantage of the advantages that Finques Port Calella offers you for the management of the sale of your property, offering appraisals that are most adjusted to the current market, so that you can have a real vision of your property.
If you are the owner of a home or apartment in Calella de Palafrugell or Llafranc, and you want us to manage your sale or rental, please contact us by filling in the following form.